Topic 2: Marketing in the News
In the Washington Post article H&M apologizes for showing black child wearing a ‘monkey in the jungle’ sweatshirt, Lindsey Bever writes about H&M’s marketing blunder by an online add that juxtaposed a white boy wearing a sweatshirt with the words “jungle expert” written on it while the black boy’s sweatshirt read “coolest monkey in the jungle.” The online add immediately caused controversy and anger in social media with not only consumers but also “celebrities, journalists and social justice advocates” due to the racist suggestions which lead to a PR disaster.
The marketing issue H&M’s is facing is the negative impact this tasteless add has caused to their image. Undoubtedly the retailer’s relationships have suffered greatly due to the lack of consciousness when launching the add. Amongst many that have voiced their concerns, the singer The Weeknd has stated he will no longer work with the retailer. One of the challenges H&M faces is changing how they are currently being perceived by a community that does not forgive as easily “in today’s digital age.”
The retailer posted an apology titled “H&M ISSUES UNEQUIVOCAL APOLOGY FOR POORLY JUDGED PRODUCT AND IMAGE" addressing their mistake and their steps towards correcting them. In the post they stated they “agree with all the criticism that this has generated – we have got this wrong and we agree that, even if unintentional, passive or casual racism needs to be eradicated wherever it exists.” Further admitting they “have a responsibility to be aware of and attuned to all racial and cultural sensitivities” and would be taking “down the image” and removing “the garment in question from sale.”
The value of H&M’s brand is centered on bringing great fashion to the world at accessible prices but sometimes delivering your value proposition is not enough. Individuals and businesses alike must be hypervigilant in the way they related to the audience: what you offer and how you offer it. All marketing platforms must be sensitive towards gender, creed, race, and sexual orientation.
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